Jun 13, 2023
Michael is a Sensemaking coach. He helps men make sense of the Media and Information environment by coaching them through a 6-week program. The program is geared specifically for the ways of working + learning that are unique to men and generally follows an Action -> Example -> Theory paradigm rather than the traditional Theory -> Example -> Action paradigm found in institutional education.
Instagram: @michaelguimarin
Twitter: @MichaelGuimarin
3:14 Information Diet
5:11 "What are the donuts of our information world?" -Brian Keith
7:27 "But the friction is what saves me from myself." -Brian Keith
8:33 Three Key Concepts
9:35 The Garden and the Library
11:51 "What are those things that are taking up our mind space?" -Michael Guimarin
15:53 "Why do you think that we are vigilant in some areas or sloppy in others?" -Brian Keith
21:43 "I believe ultimately that we are in a spiritual war." -Michael Guimarin
24:01 "What is the most difficult thing in your life and why are you not doing it?" -Brian Keith
27:05 The Importance of a Fundamental Purpose